Mutants & Masterminds 3e Manual of Mutants & Monsters

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters converts a wide range of OGL 3.5 creature stats over to the Mutants & Masterminds third edition rules, as well as introducing entirely new monster, mutants, aliens, and more.

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Gingerbread GolemThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Gingerbread Golem

Stock #: MIS5027

Now for something to completely different…I first introduced this golem in an April Fool’s adventure called Tyman’s Taunting Tower for Castles & Crusades. You can find that version in Troll Lord Games’ Crusader #17. There’s also a Pathfinder version out by Kobold Press, and now this version for Super-Powered by M&M. I hope you find this creature a fun combatant with which to torture your PCs. The teeth and claws are just for show! Encasing foes in gingerbread is their real attack!

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF)

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Nuclear ToxydermThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Nuclear Toxyderm

Stock #: MIS5028

Have you ever wanted a giant, out of control, nuclear monster to toss at your heroes? Well, now you can!

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Nuclear Toxyderm, an elemental spirit that is drawn to areas of nuclear activity and waste. Upon arriving from their dimension, these energies possess the nuclear materials and transform into a raging monster of nuclear toxins.

Includes game stats for the full-size and lesser variations, along with detailed rules on the risks of radiation exposure, and 3 new extras.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Infected ZombieThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Infected Zombie

Stock #: MIS5030

Is your super-heroes game missing the zombie hordes you’ve always dreamed of?

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Infected Zombie, a creature returned from the dead to eat brains and spread its infection to the living.

Includes the infected zombie template so you can transform any creature into an infected member of the undead, along with example infected zombie Uh Huh and attack dog stat blocks. There is also a special infected lasher zombie template (zombies that whip and entangle their prey using their own intestines) with a lasher scientist example. Rounding out this product are three caper ideas for using infected zombies in your game, suggestions on how the zombie infection may function in your game, and 2 new extras.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: CthulhuThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Cthulhu

Stock #: MIS5032

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on Cthulhu, the most famous of the Great Old Ones.

Includes game information on Cthulhu, as well as the Deep Ones race, including two stages of human/deep one hybrids. Rounding out this product are a number caper ideas for using Cthulhu in your game, a new advantage, and the Mental Disorder complication.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: CyclopsThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Cyclops

Stock #: MIS5034

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Cyclops, the single-eyed giants of myth who once mastered lightning but have since fallen into disgrace and degradation.

Includes common cyclops game statistics, providing a dangerous threat to throw at one’s players, as well as the elder cyclops, a larger, more powerful ancient who has somehow found a way to avoid the curse of their kind and retain much of their power of old. Rounding out this product are three caper ideas for using cyclops in your game.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF)

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: AbolethThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Aboleth

Stock #: MIS5035

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Aboleth, an aquatic race of supremacists who would see the rest of the world undone and ruled beneath their potent psychic might and armies of slaves.

Includes the aboleth standard game stats, along with those of the more powerful, spellcasting aboleth magi. Rounding out this product are three caper ideas for using aboleth in your game, and 3 new extras and 1 new flaw.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Gibbering Mouther

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Gibbering Mouther

Stock #: MIS5036

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the gibbering mouther, a creature seemingly born of madness that lives only to feast upon its prey after driving them mad with its incessant, nonsensical babbling.

Includes game statistics for the creature, as well as the Slow Fade extra. Rounding out this product are three caper ideas for using this maddening monster in your game.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Skum

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Skum

Stock #: MIS5037

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Skum, a subterranean, aquatic race that has been enslaved by the malevolent aboleth.

Includes game information on the skum race, as well as the advanced angler variation. Rounding out this product are two caper ideas for using skum in your game, suggestions on how to combine skum with Cthulhu if the latter is a factor in your game, and 1 new advantage.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Mi-Go

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Mi-Go

Stock #: MIS5039

From the mind of H.P. Lovecraft, this release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Mi-Go, a truly alien form of evolved fungi that have come to Earth to plunder our resources, study us, and eventually colonize our planet. They are master surgeons and engineers of bio-technology who work from the shadows, using the bodies of our own people against us.

Includes game statistics on the mi-go, along with samples of some of their more common technology. Rounding out this product are three caper ideas for using mi-go in your game, including how they may be involved with granting player characters their powers, and 1 new extra and 1 new advantage.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Fay’nabolg

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Fay'nabolg

Stock #: MIS5040

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Fay’nabolg as part of our New Camelot mini-series. Once human children, the dark magics of Morgan Le Fay have transformed these innocents into hideously deformed, towering monsters who serve her will.

Includes game statistics for the Deformed and Shapeless variations of fay’nabolg, and three caper ideas for using these corrupted creatures in your game. Also included is a new advantage.

The new advantage will also appear in Better Mousetrap 3e upon its release

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Dread Ichor

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Dread Ichor

Stock #: MIS5045

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Dread Ichor, an incomprehensible ooze that seems to be the manifest essence of evil itself. Able to possess living hosts to get about, slowly rotting them from within, this foul entity is difficult to understand, stop, or contain. Some believe it may even be the source of all evil, or the blood or other remnants of a dead god!

Includes the dread ichor game statistics, typical statistics for a containment canister, and three caper ideas for using this force for Darkness in your game. Also included is a new extra and new flaw.

The new flaw will also appear in Better Mousetrap 3e upon its release and the extra will be included in Metahuman Martial Arts 3e.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Doppelganger

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Doppelganger

Stock #: MIS5048

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Doppelganger, a race of beings that could be from another dimension, space, or somewhere deep in the earth. Consummate manipulators, they change their shape into that of other humanoids to get what they want.

Includes the doppelganger standard game stats, along with suggestions on making this race capable of also copying super-powers, and a template for making player character doppelgangers.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Evangelist KytonThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Evangelist Kyton

Stock #: MIS5050

(Taken from the pages of DOOM 3e (meaning you don’t need to buy this if you already own the former)

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Evangelist Kyton, better known to most as the Chain Devil. These preachers of pain and violence cross reality, seeking beings to torture and transform into their own at the end of their lashing chains and through their faith in torture.

Includes the evangelist kyton game stats, a brief on the kyton race, and three suggestions on how to include them in your game. There is also a new advantage and a new flaw included.

The included flaw will later appear in Metahuman Martial Arts 3e and the new advantage in Better Mousetrap 3e.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: OculordThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Oculord

Stock #: MIS5052

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Oculord, a race of spherical megalomaniacs covered in tentacle-like eyestalks, each of which provides a different power. These monstrosities seek to dominate or kill everything that is not their own species, making them powerful, dangerous foes.

Includes the Oculord game stats, as well as that of their eyestalks in such a manner that allows this creature to attack more often than normal.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Cthuot-IdThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Cthuot-Id

Stock #: MIS5053

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Cthuot-Id, a race of squid-headed brain eaters that may or may not have ties to the Great Old One, Cthulhu. Powerful psychics, these monstrosities seek to subjugate and rule all other species, whether directly, through intermediaries, or under force of arms from behind their slave armies.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Demonic AutoThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Demonic Auto

Stock #: MIS5054

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Demonic Auto, a vehicle that is either born of pure essence of hellish evil, or is an automobile that has been possessed by something malevolent. A demonic auto stocks the highways and roads, looking for innocent cars to crash, people to corrupt, and souls to harvest.

This product includes a template for creating a demonic auto of any vehicle, a sample demonic car, and suggestions on how to “pimp” your evil vehicle by adding more abilities.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: MummyThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Mummy

Stock #: MIS5055

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Mummy, an undead horror doomed to rise up again. Whether charged with guardian something, or cursed to eternal life as some form of punishment, the mummy has undead villainy all wrapped up.

This product includes a template for creating a mummy from just about any character, as well as a sample mummy and the far more powerful mummy lord.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: TarrasqueThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Tarrasque

Stock #: MIS5058

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Tarrasque, a creature capable of incomparable devastation and destruction. Although it normally sleeps its days away, it can periodically awaken to rampage through whatever is nearby–including cities and the countryside. It is the ultimate opponent to throw at your group of super-heroes.

Who knows? Some may even survive.

This product includes game statistics for the tarrasque, as well as ideas regarding how to introduce it to your game.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: KeepersThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Keepers

Stock #: MIS5064

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Keepers, a “race” of mysterious robots that scour the universe to ruthlessly take and collect samples of other species, both sentient and otherwise. No one knows why they do this or if they serve some greater cause or master, but every civilization that has ever encountered these collectors knows to fear the fate they bring.

This product includes game statistics for the Keepers and their massive Ark spaceships, as well as ideas regarding how to introduce it to your game. Can your heroes stop them?

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Caller in DarknessThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Caller in Darkness

Stock #: MIS5068

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Caller in Darkness, an undead entity comprised of many deceased souls and born of great, painful tragedy. This psychic terror seeks to add yet more souls to its being by draining them from the living.

This product includes game statistics for the Caller in Darkness, as well as ideas regarding how to introduce it to your game. Can your heroes defeat what they cannot touch?

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Headhunting ImmortalThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Headhunting Immortal

Stock #: MIS5069

(Taken from the pages of DOOM 3e (meaning you don’t need to buy this if you already own the former)

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Headhunting Immortal, an offshoot of humanity that lives among mankind, hidden. They are reborn after their initial violent “death” to become incapable of dying. Unless their head is removed from their shoulders, that is. Caught up in a battle among their own kind, they fight until only one remains.

This product includes game statistics for the Headhunting Immortal, as well as ideas regarding how them introduce it to your game. Is your hero waiting to die merely to be reborn?

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: HellhoundThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Hellhound

Stock #: MIS5071

(Taken from the pages of DOOM 3e (meaning you don’t need to buy this if you already own the former)

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Hellhound, an offshoot of humanity that lives among mankind, hidden. They are reborn after their initial violent “death” to become incapable of dying. Unless their head is removed from their shoulders, that is. Caught up in a battle among their own kind, they fight until only one remains.

This product includes game statistics for the Hellhound, an infernal, semi-intelligent beats that breathes and bites with flaming fury. Also included is the larger Hellhound Wardog—as big as a horse and bred for battle in Hell.

As appears in DOOM 3e, also for Super-Powered by M&M.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: ElvesThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Elves

Stock #: MIS5072

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on nine varieties of Elves. Includes encounter stats and character templates for Aquatic, Drow (along with drow poison), Fey, Frost, High, Space, Wild, and Wood elves. Plus Half-Elves, with modifications for lineages of all previously mentioned types of elf.

This product includes game statistics for Elves, as well as ideas regarding how to introduce them to your game, and two new types of elven fighting styles.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Demagogue DemonThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Demagogue Demon

Stock #: MIS5074

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on nine varieties of Demagogue Demon. This horrific evil infiltrates society to undermine and twist it to foul ends, taking advantage of humanity’s darkest aspects to do so.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: GhostThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Ghost

Stock #: MIS5078

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Ghost. Includes the ghost template for building spirts of your own, plus ready-to-go stats for a ghost thug.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Garbage ToxydermThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Garbage Toxyderm

Stock #: MIS5080

Have you ever wanted a giant, out of control, garbage monster to toss around your heroes like they are the weekly trash? Well, now you can!

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Garbage Toxyderm, an elemental spirit that is drawn to areas of refuse and waste. Upon arriving from their dimension, these energies possess the garbage and transform into a raging monster of tossed away objects and rotting materials

Includes game stats for the full-size and lesser variations.

Uses material appearing in Better Mousetrap 3e and Metahuman Martial Arts 3e.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: KrakenThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Kraken

Stock #: MIS5081

Release the Kraken!

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Kraken, a giant, squid-like sea beast capable of tearing even the most powerful naval vessel apart to drag it down to Davy Jones’ Locker.

Includes game stats for the regular version and modifications to make an intelligent, spell-casting kracken.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: MothfolkThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Mothfolk

Stock #: MIS5083

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on Mothfolk, a cryptid race of flying humanoids from another dimension. Physically, they resemble a cross between man and moth but possess sharper claws than any mere insect.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: YetiThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Yeti

Stock #: MIS5084

Finally, a monster that is simply abominable!

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Yeti, a cryptid race of frozen mountain-dwelling, fur-covered, humanoids. Although they prefer to be left alone, what would happen if the yeti got fed up with humanity encroaching on their territories?

Includes game stats for a typical specimen, as well as stats for making a yeti character.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: ChupacabraThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Chupacabra

Stock #: MIS5085

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Chupacabra, a cryptid race of bloodsuckers. What would happen if they came together under a supervillain’s control or somehow evolved? Dangerous in their own right, these creatures have the potential to be a dangerous threat to humanity.

Includes game stats for a typical specimen with modifiers for a flying variation.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: ZettexThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Zettex

Stock #: MIS5088

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Zettex, an alien race that has mercilessly conquered entire sectors of space and committed numerous instances of interstellar genocide. They are villains not to be trifled with.

This product includes information provided in Better Mousetrap 3e and Do-Gooders & Daredevils: Gears & Grease, also available from Misfit Studios

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: VampireThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Vampire

Stock #: MIS5090

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on Vampire, the undead rulers of the night.

Includes game stats for a Vampire Paragon and Vampire Spawn Crime Lord, plus templates for building your own vampires and vampire spawn. Also included are common bat stats and suggestions for customizing vampires in your game.

Uses content from Metahuman Martial Arts 3e, also from Misfit Studios.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: GrendelThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Grendel

Stock #: MIS5094

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on Grendel, a subterranean offshoot of humanity that was forced underground for its cannibalistic ways. These monstrosities have developed cavernous cities underground, but come up into the surface’s darkness to steal people for breeding and food.

Uses content from Better Mousetrap, also from Misfit Studios.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: RakshasaThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Rakshasa

Stock #: MIS5096

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on Rakshasa, a shape-shifting monster born of otherworldly powers but confined to the mortal realm. These creatures have inherent magical powers and can take any humanoid’s shape, abilities they use to seize power and manipulate humanity from the shadows.

100% of Misfit Studios’ profits go to benefit the Daily Bread Food Bank

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: the ScourgeThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: the Scourge

Stock #: MIS5097

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Scourge, an alien species that spread across space, literally consuming everything in their path. They are a threat to all life everywhere.

This product includes information provided in Better Mousetrap 3e, also available from Misfit Studios

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: DagonThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Dagon

Stock #: MIS5098

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for Dagon, an unfathomable elder deep one who has taken on the role of high priest while also obtaining great and deadly powers.

The creations of HP Lovecraft–”Cthulhu,” “Dagon,” and “deep ones”–are exempt from this definition and reside in the public domain.

This product includes information provided in Better Mousetrap 3e, also available from Misfit Studios

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Animated UndeadThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Animated Undead

Stock #: MIS5100

(Taken from the pages of DOOM 3e (meaning you don’t need to buy this if you already own the former)

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for animated undead: mindless, reanimated skeletons and zombies that respond to their masters’ every whim.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: TrollThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Troll

Stock #: MIS5106

100% of Misfit Studios’ profits go to benefit Central Toronto Youth Services (CTYS)

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the troll: a fearless killing and eating machine capable of recovering from almost any wound. Includes the scrag waterborne variant and character-building stats for both.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: MimicThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Mimic

Stock #: MIS5113

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Mimic: a fearless killing and eating machine capable of recovering from almost any wound. Includes the scrag waterborne variant and character-building stats for both.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: KoboldThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Kobold

Stock #: MIS5114

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Kobold, a cowardly and cunning reptilian (that may be distantly related to dragons) with a knack for technology and deadly traps.

Includes details on creating kobold characters.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: MedusaThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Medusa

Stock #: MIS5116

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Medusa, a creature of myth and legend whose glance turns others to stone. Also includes the serpentine greater medusa and a medusa character template.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: RatmanThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Ratman

Stock #: MIS5121

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Ratman, a child-sized, vicious mix of man and rat that lives in underground warrens. Includes a Ratman character template.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: MinotaurThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Minotaur

Stock #: MIS5122

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull monstrosity straight out of Greek mythology. With their inability to become lost and massive axes, these creatures are ready to guard any labyrinth or maze a supervillain may throw at your heroes. Includes a Minotaur character template.

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: MinotaurThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Minotaur

Stock #: MIS5123

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Ogre Mage Oni, a monstrous, magic-wielding spirit in the form of a giant ogre. Power-hungry and aggressive, these cunning warriors change their shape to infiltrate human society in pursuit of their nefarious goals.

Also includes a new fighting style and an ogre mage oni character template.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Fire ElementalThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Fire Elemental

Stock #: MIS5124

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Fire Elemental, a spirit born of living flame. Six variations of progressively greater power are provided, ranging from small to elder. Also includes a Fire Elemental character and creature template with a fire elemental lion as an example, plus details on the Plane of Flame.

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: SahuaginThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Sahuagin

Stock #: MIS5125

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Sahuagin, a war-loving, aquatic humanoid race with an affinity for raising and befriending sharks. Includes a Sahuagin character template, six mutant variations, and a Sahuagin fighting style.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

The Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Red DragonThe Manual of Mutants & Monsters: Red Dragon

Stock #: MIS5133

This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats for the Red Dragon, a powerful, arrogant beast with a love for fire. Game stats are provided for 12 stages of life, ranging from as young as newborn wyrmlings to the mighty and seemingly undying great wyrms.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) shopd20PFSRD

That’s currently all for M&M 3e Manual of Mutants & Monsters …