Savage Worlds Creature Features

Creature Feature: Doom Worm for Savage WorldsCreature Feature: Doom Worm for Savage Worlds

Stock #: MIS7020

Creature Feature Doom Worm Digs Out the Fun in Your Savage Worlds Game

Each Creature Feature release details a single creature. Some will be general enough for most any setting or genre, while others are clearly intended for something specific, such as a fantasy genre game.

Creature Feature Doom Worm presents a monstrous creature that burrows through the earth in search of food. These immense, subterranean hunters can even burrow through stone walls, allowing it to hunt its prey by vibration just about anywhere it may hide.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) d20 PFSRD Shop (PDF)

Creature Feature: Slime Dragon for Savage WorldsCreature Feature: Slime Dragon for Savage Worlds

Stock #: MIS7028

Creature Feature Slime Dragon brings Acidic Fun to Your Savage Worlds Game

Each Creature Feature presents acid-covered predator that stalks sewers and other places of refuse. Their touch can dissolve weapons, equipment, and armor; and they can spew forth corrosive slime.

Creature Feature Slime Dragon presents a monstrous creature that burrows through the earth in search of food. These immense, subterranean hunters can even burrow through stone walls, allowing it to hunt its prey by vibration just about anywhere it may hide.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) d20 PFSRD Shop (PDF)

Creature Feature: Mummy Templates for Savage WorldsCreature Feature: Mummy Templates for Savage Worlds

Stock #: MIS7052

Creature Feature Mummy Templates Wraps up the Fun for Your Savage Worlds Game

Each Creature Feature presents acid-covered predator that stalks sewers and other places of refuse. Their touch can dissolve weapons, equipment, and armor; and they can spew forth corrosive slime.

Creature Feature Mummy Templates presents both types of mummy — guardian and mummy lord — presented as templates that can be added to most other creature types. Why should all your mummies be the same when they can differ by creature type, race, profession, experience, and the like?

Each mummy template also comes with an example creature build: the half-folk guardian mummy and mummy lord dwarven priest of war, respectively.

Purchase: DriveThruRPG (PDF) Paizo (PDF) d20 PFSRD Shop (PDF)

That’s currently all for Creature Features for Savage Worlds …